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Hello beautiful sister!

Welcome to the 12 week journey, Fury's Embrace, where you will be present with a group of women all interested in exploring anger as a guide. As women our relationship with anger is frought with confusion between our own experiences and what our larger community tells us about our anger. Let me be your guide in setting the stage for your anger to be safe, and for you to explore its glory as a guide in your life. This 12 week journey will consist of weekly 90 minute group explorations of topics related to anger, where you feel your relationship is now, what have you learned about anger in the past, how does anger arise in your being and so much more; a group video chat channel for continued exploration of weekly topics between sessions; your own pack of art materials to utilize in this journey of exploration and somatic practices to honor your anger as it shows up in your body. 

* Please note, we may post-pone the start date in order to allow for enrollment to fill up. 

The exchange for this offering is sliding scale $750-900. I can't wait to hear from you!